ConnectedLE is proud to announce that they have achieved accreditation under the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards. This prestigious recognition places ConnectedLE among the first education providers to meet these stringent criteria, highlighting their commitment to excellence in digital mental health education.
Dr. Kylie Armstrong, Co-founder of ConnectedLE, expressed her enthusiasm for this milestone. “Achieving accreditation under the NSQDMH Standards is a testament to our dedication to delivering high-quality, safe, and effective digital mental health education. This accreditation assures our learners, whom we call Connectors, that they are receiving education that meets the highest standards in safety and quality.”
Accreditation by an independent agency ensures the organisation meets NSQDMH Standards, covering three key areas and 59 actions critical for quality and safety in digital mental health services.
These include:
- Clinical and Technical Governance: This standard emphasises the importance of robust governance, safety, and quality systems. Ms Nicole Evans, Co-founder of ConnectedLE, noted, “We take the security and reliability of our LMS platform very seriously. By adhering to these standards, we ensure that our education content is not only safe but also enhances the health literacy and confidence of our Connectors, empowering them to engage in supportive conversations, and connect others to essential information and supports.”
- Partnering with Consumers: At the core of ConnectedLE’s approach is a commitment to person-centred care. “Incorporating the voices of those with lived experience is vital to our process,” Dr. Armstrong added. “We co-create our courses and resources with input from our participants and clinical and health education advisors, ensuring that the digital mental health and wellbeing training we provide is relevant, effective, and impactful.”
- Model of Care: Ensuring a consistent and best-practice model of care is another cornerstone of ConnectedLE’s accreditation. “Our ABC Mental Wellbeing Framework equips Connectors with the essential knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to distress,” Ms Evans explained. “We focus on minimising harm and providing clear communication to ensure safety and access to vital information and support services.”
This accreditation reflects ConnectedLE’s ongoing commitment to delivering excellence in digital mental health and wellbeing education. “We are incredibly grateful to our lived experience participants, advisors, dedicated team, and partners,” Dr. Armstrong said. “Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. Together, we are building a future where more people and communities thrive through access to innovative, high-quality digital mental health solutions.”
As ConnectedLE continues to lead in the digital mental health space, this accreditation serves as a strong foundation for their mission to build a mentally healthier Australia through innovation in digital education.